General Occupational Safety and Health Courses
Package Course
Course Code Name Language Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Duration (hour)
UTTAD Certificate Course in Safe Use of Transportable Temporary Anchor Devices Cantonese 125 115 65
2 hours
VCW Safety for Viaduct Construction Work Cantonese 420 380 210
7 hours
VS General Safety for Volunteer Services Cantonese 160 145 80
3.5 hours
VZERO Workshop on “Vision Zero” Cantonese 160 145 80
3.5 hours
WHT Working at Height Safety Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
WLBH Workshop on Work Life Balance and Happiness Cantonese 250 225 125
4 hours
WSCH Works Supervisor Safety Training Course (Cargo Handling) Cantonese 1040 940 520
12 hours
WSPPE Workshop of Coping with Stress for Pre-primary Education Institutions Cantonese 0 0 Not applicable
3.5 hours
YOGA Workshop on Laughter Yoga for Stress Management Cantonese 250 225 125
2.5 hours
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