Occupational Safety and Health Management Courses
Package Course
Course Code Name Language Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Duration (hour)
AMGT Asbestos Management Cantonese 7540 6790 3770
39 hours (including site visit, theory & practical exam sessions)
APS Analysis and Prevention of Serious Work Injuries Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
ATCSI Analytical Tools for Continuous Safety Improvement Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
CASHM Safety and Health Training for Management Staff in Catering Industry Cantonese 0 0 Not applicable
7 hours
CFMGT Conflict Management Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
CMGT Crisis Management Cantonese 490 440 245
7 hours
CNVMP Safety Training Course for Venue Management Personnel (Confined Spaces Operation) Cantonese 690 620 345
7 hours
CRW Corporate Safety Performance Report Writing Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
CW Occupational Safety Charter Workshop Cantonese 490 440 245
3.5 hours
DFS Design for Safety Workshop for Construction Industry Cantonese 1950 1755 975
14 hours
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