All Course
Package Course
Course Code Name Language Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Duration (hour)
DEM Safety in Demolition Works Cantonese 160 145 80
3.5 hours
DFS Design for Safety Workshop for Construction Industry Cantonese 1950 1755 975
14 hours
DG Certificate of Competence in Safe Conveyance of Dangerous Goods Cantonese 1040 940 520
12 hours
DH General Safety for Domestic Helpers Cantonese 160 160 Not applicable
3.5 Hours plus end-of-course examination
DH(E) General Safety for Domestic Helpers (English Class) English 160 160 Not applicable
3.5 hours plus end-of-course examination
DM Workshop on Disability Management and Return to Work Cantonese 1290 1160 645
12 hours
DOCC Certificate Course in Safety at Work for Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition Works Cantonese 490 440 245
6 hours
DOGG Dog Bite Safety Cantonese 210 190 105
4 hours
DS Safety Management of Dangerous Substances Cantonese 1290 1160 645
18 hours
DSE Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment Cantonese 160 145 80
3.5 hours
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