Combined Certificate for Safety, Health and Environmental Supervisors (Property Management) SHES(PPM)〈SHES (PPM)〉

Module 1: Basic Safety Management(SM) Module 2: Basic Accident Prevention(GS) Module 3: Basic Occupational Health(OH) Module 4: Safety in Property Management(PPM) Module 5: Workplace Hygiene and Environment (Property Management) SHE(PPM)

Instructor: Professional or OSHC Consultants
Language: Cantonese
Prerequisites: 1) Ability to read and write in Chinese and 2) Completion of secondary education(F.5 under HKCEE or F.6 under HKDSE) or above or equivalent (applicants should provide copies of certification) or 23 years of age or above and 3 years of relevant working experience (applicants should provide proof of experience)
◎100% attendance for each compulsory module and for each optional module and a pass in end-of-course examination for each module.
◎Combined Certificate for Safety and Health Supervisors (Property Management) will be issued to those who have completed all the 4 modules and passed the require examinations within one year^.
◎Combined Certificate for Safety, Health & Environmental Supervisor(Property Management) will be issued to those who have completed the five modules and passed the require examinations within one year^.
◎Applicant can fax or mail the application form "Application for Combined Certificate for Safety and Health Supervisors (Property Management)", together with certificate copies for related modules. OSHC will mail the Certificate Collection Letter to the applicant within 14 working days according to the given correspondence address. For enquiries, please call 3106 2000.
^ All modules should be completed within one year starting from the beginning of first module (module in no particular order).
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Basic Accident Prevention (GS) 1. 職業傷亡個案意外的成因及趨勢、意外的概念和原則,動態風險評估的重要性
2. 與意外成因相關的工序/ 設備/ 環境、法例/ 標準及預防措施
- 人體從高處墮下
- 遭墮下的物件撞擊
- 觸電或接觸放出的電流
- 火警燒傷及爆炸受傷
- 不同工序的相容性
- 其他常見意外類別
Basic Occupational Health (OH) 1. 職業健康及相關法例
2. 安全管理與職業健康保障計畫
3. 相關工序、對健康的影響、法例要求、控制措施及個人防護裝備
- 化學危害
- 生物危害
- 物理危害
- 人體功效及心理危害
4. 健康危害個案綜合討論
5. 職業健康的風險評估和危害控制
6. 個人防護裝備
7. 職業複康
Property Management Safety (PPM) 1. 安全管理系統
2. 安全管理體系審核
3. 危機處理
4. 工作間暴力的原因、徵兆和處理方法
5. 僱員補償條例簡介
Basic Safety Management (SM) 1. 主要職業安全健康法例簡介
2. 近年建造業工業意外統計數字和趨勢
3. 安全督導員在推動職安健的角色與責任
4. 認識防止意外的概念
5. 安全管理及風險評估
6. 安全管理制度的元素
7. 安全管理制度中與風險評估相關的元素
Workplace Hygiene & Environment (Property Management) SHE(PPM) 1.工地整潔衛生法例及相關之環保法例