General Occupational Safety and Health Courses
(FP(EE))Fire Prevention (Entertainment Establishments)

The Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and regulations cover all employees of entertainment establishments such as karaoke outlets, clubs and game halls. Fire safety is a subject of public concern. The council has organised this course especially to arouse the awareness of fire safety in entertainment establishments. The course will provide candidates with knowledge of fire safety and the requirements of the occupational safety and health legislation. The target audience is the management of entertainment establishments.

1. Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and Regulations
2. Laws related to fire safety
3. The triangle of fire
4. Propagation of heat
5. Spread of smoke and fire
6. Propagation of smoke
7. Fire hazards
8. Types of fire
9. Fire protection installations and fire escape routes
10. Fire safety inspection checklists and plans
11. Emergency plans
12. Evacuation plans
13. Structure of fire extinguishers
14. Practical session for using fire extinguishers
Duration (Hour): 8 hours
Instructor: Professional or OSHC consultant
Language: Cantonese supplemented with Chinese notes
Prerequisites: Ability to read and write in Chinese
Remark: ◎Award of Certificate: 100% attendance and pass in end-of-course examination.
◎Students who are more than 30 minutes late for a class will be regarded as absent for that session.
Reserve online (If online enrollment quota is full or you would like to arrange in-house training course,
please contact 2311 3322/3106 2000.)
Course Code Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Venue Start Date
Class Date Time Apply individual
FP(EE)/24/C 420 380 210 Tsing Yi 26/09/2024 26/09/2024
(Exam Date:26/09/2024)
09:00-13:00 &14:00-18:00