General Occupational Safety and Health Courses
(PPEDU)Occupational Safety and Health Workshop for Pre-primary Education Institutions

The day-to-day work of teachers and staff at preprimary education institutions, including kindergartens and child care centres, is very heavy. Employers of such institutions should adopt appropriate precautionary measures to prevent safety and health hazards at work. Otherwise, neglecting these measures can result in accidents or ill health of employees. This course aims to introduce the common health and safety issues in the pre-primary education sector such as working and lifting posture, excessive use of the voice, use of chemicals and slip and trip hazards. Practical preventive and control measures will be introduced to address the problems, as well as stretching exercises and voice care tips, to promote the health and safety awareness of the pre-primary education services staff.

1.Common safety and health hazards at work and related legislation
2.Working posture and safe use of computer
3.Manual handling
4.Basic infection control
5.Chemical safety
6.Safe use of ladders
7.Prevention of slip and trip hazards
8.Voice care
Duration (Hour): 3.5 hours
Instructor: Professional or OSHC Consultant
Language: Cantonese supplemented with Chinese notes
Prerequisites: Ability to read and write in Chinese
Remark: ◎Award of Certificate: 100% attendance and pass the end-of-course examination.
◎Students who do not have sufficient attendance are not allowed to attend the examination
◎Students who are absent from the class, late or leave earlier for more than 30 minutes in a class will be regarded as absent for that session.
Reserve online (If online enrollment quota is full or you would like to arrange in-house training course, please contact 2311 3322 / 3106 2000.)
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