Occupational Safety and Health Management Courses
(SCI)Contruction Industry Safety Climate Index Survey Workshop

Since the promotion of safety management system in construction industry, the performance of occupational safety and health is significantly improved. To further improve the performance, organization should not only maintain the safety management system, but also to strengthen the safety culture. To achieve this target, organization should understand the status of the safety culture and take action to improve the performance of unsatisfactory aspect. "Work Safety Culture Index" is the employees?view on the occupational safety and health affairs. It is one of the indicators reflecting the level of safety culture in the organization. This course would introduce a survey method to assess the Safety Culture Index in the organization by using a questionnaire and how to use the result to draw up an improvement plan to enhance the level of safety culture in the organization. The course is suitable for the management staff, safety officer and safety supervisor in construction industry.

1. Reasons of conducting Construction Industry Safety Culture Index Survey
2. Definition of safety culture and Work Safety Culture Index
3. Method of conducting Work Safety Culture Index Survey
4. Application and Case Studies
5. Survey result analysis and follow up actions
Duration (Hour): 6 hours
Instructor: Professional or OSHC consultant
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English notes
Prerequisites: Ability to read and write in English and Chinese; have basic knowledge in use of computer
Remark: ● Award of Certificate: 100% attendance and pass the end-of-course examination.
● Students who do not have sufficient attendance are not allowed to attend the examination.
● Students who are absent from the class, late or leave earlier for more than 30 minutes in class will be regarded as absent for that session.
Reserve online (If online enrollment quota is full or you would like to arrange in-house training course, please contact 2311 3322 / 3106 2000.)
Course Code Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Venue Start Date
Class Date Time Apply individual
SCI/25/A 490 440 245 North Point 05/03/2025 05/03 & 12/03/2025
(Exam Date:12/03/2025)