Occupational Safety and Health Supervisors Courses
(SH)Shipbuilding Safety

Its efficient and reliable fleet makes Hong Kong a competitive city and contributes to fast development of the economy. The building of new ships and regular repair and maintenance are required to ensure smooth sea transportation. Accidents frequently happen in the course of these operations as they involve hazardous processes such as work in confined spaces, use of lifting appliances and working at height. In view of the hazardous nature of the trade, the Occupational Safety & Health Council provides this course to enhance the basic knowledge of the operatives engaged in the shipbuilding and ship repairing industry so as to reduce the number of accidents.

1. Hazards in the shipbuilding and repairing industry
2. Safe use of lifting applicanes, arc welding and gas welding
3. Safe working in confined spaces, Safe working at height and Machinery safety
Duration (Hour): 6 hours
Instructor: Professional or OSHC consultant
Language: Cantonese supplemented with Chinese notes
Prerequisites: 1) Ability to read and write in Chinese and
2) Completion of secondary education(F.5 under HKCEE or F.6 under HKDSE) or above or equivalent (applicants should provide copies of certification) or
23 years of age or above and 3 years of working experience (applicants should provide proof of experience)
Remark: ● Award of Certificate: 100% attendance and pass the end-of-course examination.
● Students who do not have sufficient attendance are not allowed to attend the examination
● Students who are absent from the class, late or leave earlier for more than 30 minutes in a class will be regarded as absent for that session

OSH Combined Certificate for Safety and Health Supervisors (Shipbuilding) Course Application Form
Reserve online (If online enrollment quota is full or you would like to arrange in-house training course, please contact 2311 3322 / 3106 2000.)
Course Code Original Fee
GCG Member Fee/
OSH Ambassador Fee
Venue Start Date
Class Date Time Apply individual
SH/25/A 320 290 160 North Point 18/02/2025 18/02 & 19/02/2025
(Exam Date:19/02/2025)